After years of hype, the concept of an ‘Internet of Things’ is starting to become a reality. This month, both Google and Apple gave us glimpses into how their technology will look beyond mobile and PCs. In this special round-up, we look back at the month’s biggest headlines in digital marketing.
Apple’s WWDC conference revealed its plans for health apps and home automation across its iOS platform, while Google bought home monitoring firm Dropcam and put its first Android Wear smartwatches on sale- ditching app grids for voice controls and swipeable cards.
As ad targeting and buying gets ever-more sophisticated, even the ‘creative’ Cannes festival was crashed by ad tech companies looking to merge big data with big ideas. With news that P&G is now investing 70% of its digital budget into programatic ads and Google launching its own premium video exchange, it’s clear that a sea-change is occurring in media buying that could see off traditional CPM-type deals.
June also saw Facebook expand its ad network to target consumers based on their external web browsing habits, while releasing its own SnapChat rival ‘Slingshot’. But this month we learned that neither Facebook (or Twitter) are the biggest global sharing platforms. Find out what is in our ‘top 10 social media myths article’ in this month’s newsletter.
And finally, in a stark reminder that technology still has its limitations, we’ve included a fascinating interview with the computer that supposedly passed the Turing test this month. Can computers fool us into thinking they are humans? Judge for yourself by the audio clip in the newsletter below…
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Read June 2014
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