European telcos head for new markets

Jan 23, 2008 | Uncategorized

Broadband connections in Central and Eastern Europe rose 44% during 2007 and three of Europe’s five biggest telcos are moving in to take advantage. Research from Screen Digest shows that France Telecom, Deutsche Telekom and Spain’s Telefonica all now have stakes in the region. Broadband penetration across France, Germany, Spain, Italy and the UK reached […]

Broadband connections in Central and Eastern Europe rose 44% during 2007 and three of Europe’s five biggest telcos are moving in to take advantage. Research from Screen Digest shows that France Telecom, Deutsche Telekom and Spain’s Telefonica all now have stakes in the region. Broadband penetration across France, Germany, Spain, Italy and the UK reached 44% at the end of 2007. In comparison penetration in Central and Eastern Europe stood at only 13%. Russia has fewer than 7% of homes connected to broadband services.
Latin America is another growth market and consumer broadband access is expected to reach 30% of homes in the next five years. Connections grew 41% during 2007 compared to 23% across the “Big Five” West European countries. Telefonica is the leading European operator working in Latin America with stakes in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Peru and Colombia.
Screen Digest:, 22/01/2008

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