Facebook signs up 200m users

Apr 9, 2009 | Uncategorized

Facebook has added over 50m new users since January 2009, bringing its total membership to over 200m – nearly half of whom are in Europe, writes Brand Republic. Worldwide over 500,000 new users are joining the site every day. According to the figures more than one in four people with internet access visited Facebook in […]

Facebook has added over 50m new users since January 2009, bringing its total membership to over 200m – nearly half of whom are in Europe, writes Brand Republic. Worldwide over 500,000 new users are joining the site every day. According to the figures more than one in four people with internet access visited Facebook in February. Significantly the majority of new users are no longer of student age – during the first quarter the fastest-growing segment of Facebook’s US population was aged 26 to 44. Data from comScore also shows that Facebook accounts for one third of all social networking in Europe. In February 2009 Facebook accounted for 4.1% of all minutes spent online in Europe, up from 1.1% in the year before. The site’s largest European audience is in the UK with 22.7m visitors (up 75% year-on-year).
According to Silicon Alley Insider, if Facebook were a country, it would come fifth in the world after China, India, the US and Indonesia.
From Brand Republic: http://www.brandrepublic.com, 09/04/2009
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com

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