Nokia partners Facebook for ‘lifecasting’ tool

Sep 4, 2009 | Uncategorized

Nokia is partnering with Facebook to launch a ‘lifecasting’ tool, letting users post locations and status updates from their phones to Facebook. Launching in October on Nokia’s new touchscreen N97 mini, the app will be available via the handset makers Ovi Store, Nokia equivalent of Apple’s App Store. The tool will eventually expand to let […]

Nokia is partnering with Facebook to launch a ‘lifecasting’ tool, letting users post locations and status updates from their phones to Facebook. Launching in October on Nokia’s new touchscreen N97 mini, the app will be available via the handset makers Ovi Store, Nokia equivalent of Apple’s App Store. The tool will eventually expand to let users create new types of communication patterns, like navigating to a friend or place.

“People want to bring their physical and online worlds together via the Internet,” said VP Jonas Geust of Nokia N series. “The Nokia N97 mini is designed for this new social internet and to help navigate people and places. With lifecasting, the Nokia N97 mini and Ovi usher in the next chapter of personal and location-aware Internet.”
An advert for the new app can be seen here:

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