Paramount releases latest Jackass movie for free online

Dec 15, 2007 | Uncategorized

Paramount is releasing “Jackass 2.5” for free online in the US, writes Brand Republic. The film will be available through a special website created in conjunction with Blockbuster. Viewers have to download Microsoft’s Silverlight media player in order to view the film. This is the first in a series of films that Paramount intends to […]

Paramount is releasing “Jackass 2.5” for free online in the US, writes Brand Republic. The film will be available through a special website created in conjunction with Blockbuster. Viewers have to download Microsoft’s Silverlight media player in order to view the film. This is the first in a series of films that Paramount intends to release online during the next year.
From Brand Republic:, 14/12/2007
Jackass 2.5:

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