UK has most active online population in Europe

Jun 4, 2007 | Uncategorized

New figures for April from comScore show that UK internet users spend the most time per month online, averaging 34.4 hours per user, writes Brand Republic. comScore’s study tracked 16 countries across Europe and also found that the UK had the highest average number of daily users (21,767) and the highest usage days per month […]

New figures for April from comScore show that UK internet users spend the most time per month online, averaging 34.4 hours per user, writes Brand Republic. comScore’s study tracked 16 countries across Europe and also found that the UK had the highest average number of daily users (21,767) and the highest usage days per month (21 per user). The Netherlands and Scandinavian countries have the highest proportions of internet users, with averages ranging from 68% to 83%. Germany remains Europe’s leading online nation with 36.2m people aged 15+ going online. On average 122m Europeans used the internet on any given day in April against 114m in the US. The average European went online on 16.5 days during the month and spent 24 hours viewing 2,662 web pages.
From Brand Republic:, 04/06/2007

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