Yahoo! re-launches ad network

Sep 8, 2008 | Uncategorized

Yahoo! has re-launched its online advertising network, and now claims to be able to reach 80% of web users in the UK and Ireland, writes The Guardian. The renamed Yahoo! Network now provides access to a combined audience of over 29m unique users/month and includes inventory with Bebo, British Telecom, Loot and Channel Five in […]

Yahoo! has re-launched its online advertising network, and now claims to be able to reach 80% of web users in the UK and Ireland, writes The Guardian. The renamed Yahoo! Network now provides access to a combined audience of over 29m unique users/month and includes inventory with Bebo, British Telecom, Loot and Channel Five in addition to Yahoo’s own in-house products (including Yahoo! email, news and Flickr). The firm can also provide ad placements on the UK’s five major mobile networks: Orange, O2, Vodafone, T-Mobile and 3.
From The Guardian:, 08/09/2008
Yahoo! Network:

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