YouTube seeks sponsor for first live sports coverage

Jan 20, 2010 | Uncategorized

YouTube is to begin streaming live cricket from India’s premier league, seeking sponsors in the process.The move marks the video sharing’s site first foray into live sport streaming, and is the result of a partnership between Google and Cricket’s IPL (India Premier League). From March, 60 IPL matches will be shown and YouTube are on […]

YouTube is to begin streaming live cricket from India’s premier league, seeking sponsors in the process.The move marks the video sharing’s site first foray into live sport streaming, and is the result of a partnership between Google and Cricket’s IPL (India Premier League).
From March, 60 IPL matches will be shown and YouTube are on the lookout for a global sponsor as well as local ones. While this is the first sports event YouTube has agreed to broadcast, YouTube has streamed live concerts before, namely U2’s in October which had 10million viewers worldwide.

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