Mobile banking apps ‘not meeting customer needs’

Of the 10 most important features user expect of their banking mobile apps, for only three is provision by the banks adequate, according to the results of a new survey. The study, from MyPrivateBanking Research, compared the features integrated into the mobile apps...

Europe: Surge in smartphone users accessing news sites

Nearly 37 percent of smartphone users in the top 5 European countries (France, Germany, UK, Italy and Spain) have accessed news sites via an app or browser in January 2012, showing an increase of 74 percent over the past year, according to new research. The study,...

London Overground gets free Wi-Fi

London’s Overground train passengers will be able to access 60 minutes of free wifi per day with the introduction of hotspots in 56 stations. The service, provided by The Cloud (owned by BSkyB) will be free to begin with but it eventually become a pay as you go...

iPad sales grow 150%- will it last?

Apple’s iPad has grown 150% this year, and can expect a steady growth rate next year too, according to a report. According to one of the most esteemed market analysts, Horaţiu Dediu from Asymco, Apple has managed to double the amount of handsets sold every year. On...

US Presidential campaign: Who is winning the race online?

With the 2012 political season in full swing, Americans are flocking to the Internet for news surrounding the presidential candidates. So which candidate sites are drawing the most visitors? Nielsen profiled the voter-aged (18+) audience to the official campaign sites...

Streaming overtakes DVDs at LoveFilm

LoveFilm customers are now streaming more films online than they are renting DVDs, the company has revealed. In February, the Amazon-owned company saw the number of movies and TV shows accessed through internet-connected devices exceed DVDs, Blu-rays and games rented...

Google plans mobile ads based on weather

Google has secured intellectual rights to a system that would serve ads based on environmental conditions, according to a new report. The report, from PC World Magazine, quotes Google as saying the forward-looking patent was useful for its portfolio, but it had no...

Infographic: Who will apply for a ‘dot brand’ domain?

Nearly half (44%) of large companies intend to submit a ‘dot Brand’ application, but few are aware of the limited application period, according to a new survey. The study, from registry services provider Afilias, found that 82 percent of major brands are aware of the...

Do slow sites lose sales? New TagMan tool calculates cost

TagMan has launched a new tool to measure conversion losses resulting from slow page load speeds. The new Conversion Loss Calculator allows marketers to plug in specific data about their own websites and returns information showing the direct impact of slow-loading...

Sky takes on LoveFilm and Netflix with ‘Now TV’

Sky is set to launch a web TV services, offering non-Sky customers the chance to view its programs online on monthly or pay-per-view basis. The streaming service will launch this summer, intially offering access to Sky Movies. The broadcaster plans to introduce other...

Chrome becomes world’s top browser… for a day

Google’s Chrome narrowly became the world’s top internet browser for the first time on Sunday 18 March 2012, following a brief surge in use across India, Russia and Brazil, according to new data. The findings, from web analytics firm StatCounter found...

Amazon buys warehouse robot firm for $775m

Amazon has bought warehouse-robotics company Kiva Systems for $775m in cash. Amazon will use Kiva’s technology to improve productivity by bringing the products directly to employees to pick, pack and stow, according to the company. Kiva’s robots don’t make...