24 most popular social networks in the world

Nov 21, 2013 | China, Facebook marketing, Russia, Social media, Twitter marketing, WhatsApp

This chart shows the top 24 social networks by global monthly active users. Facebook leads with almost 1.2 billion monthly users. Interestingly, the list features many region specific social networks such as Qzone, a China-based social networking site, which ranked third with half a billion monthly active users. View high quality image here

This chart shows the top 24 social networks by global monthly active users. Facebook leads with almost 1.2 billion monthly users. Interestingly, the list features many region specific social networks such as Qzone, a China-based social networking site, which ranked third with half a billion monthly active users.
24 most popular social networks in the world. This chart shows the top 24 social networks by global monthly active users. Facebook leads with almost 1.2 billion monthly users. Interestingly, the list features many region specific social networks such as Qzone, a China-based social networking site, which ranked third with half a billion monthly active users.

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