Instagram audience in France still growing

May 23, 2017 | Mobile, Social media

Nearly one-fifth (19.8%) of internet users in France, or 10.4 million people, will Instagram regularly in 2017, according to new research. The study, from eMarketer, alos found that by comparison, more than half (51.8%) will use Facebook at least monthly this year—a user penetration rate more than double Instagram’s Though Instagram hasn’t grown as quickly […]

Nearly one-fifth (19.8%) of internet users in France, or 10.4 million people, will Instagram regularly in 2017, according to new research.

The study, from eMarketer, alos found that by comparison, more than half (51.8%) will use Facebook at least monthly this year—a user penetration rate more than double Instagram’s
Though Instagram hasn’t grown as quickly as Facebook usage in France, it has been steady.
eMarketer expects user growth will rise 21.4% in 2017, and adoption will continue to rise by double-digit percentages through 2019. By that time, uptake of the social platform will have spread to 24.6% of the country’s internet users.
Instagram is the most popular among France’s internet users ages 12 to 34, with penetration highest (61.7%) among 18- to 24-year-olds this year. For those ages 12 to 17 and 25 to 34, penetration will be 35.1% and 32.1%, respectively.
Even with steady user growth in the coming years, older groups’ usage rates will remain well below those of millennials and teens. Less than 11% of internet users in France aged 45 and older will access Instagram regularly this year.
eMarketer’s forecasts and estimates are based on an analysis of quantitative and qualitative data from research firms, government agencies, media firms and public companies, plus interviews with top executives at publishers, ad buyers and agencies. Data is weighted based on methodology and soundness. Each eMarketer forecast fits within the larger matrix of all its forecasts, with the same assumptions and general framework used to project figures in a wide variety of areas. Regular re-evaluation of available data means the forecasts reflect the latest business developments, technology trends and economic changes.

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