Periscope lets viewers save livestreams via #save hashtag

May 10, 2016 | Online advertising, Online video, Social media

Periscope has launched a new feature which lets users keep their streamed video for more than 24 hours. Working on supporting broadcasts beyond 24h! Starting now, you can use our public beta by using #save in your title! — Periscope TV (@periscopetv) May 5, 2016 By typing #save into the title of the live […]

Periscope has launched a new feature which lets users keep their streamed video for more than 24 hours.

By typing #save into the title of the live stream, users can preserve a copy. Previously, the feeds would be automatically deleted.
The new feature is still in beta testing but is open to the public. CEO Kayvon Beykpour says he is working on a way for users to be able to keep their video without using #stream.
Periscope is in competition with other apps like Meerkat and Facebook Live.
Facebook recently launched a new feature to its Live video capabilities by adding reactions and filters.
The updates on iOS and Android mean users will be able to share live video to a specific group or event.
Live originally launched last year in Facebook’s Mentions app and was released to users in the US in January and outside America in February.
A new video discovery tab will replace the Messenger symbol currently at the bottom of the iOS and Android apps.

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