BBC One to go live online

Jun 5, 2008 | Uncategorized

The BBC is to broadcast its flagship channel BBC One online as a live video stream, writes Brand Republic. This is the first time that the corporation has broadcast one of its original analogue channels via the internet. The BBC announced the plan in its latest Statements of Programme Policy and it intends for the […]

The BBC is to broadcast its flagship channel BBC One online as a live video stream, writes Brand Republic. This is the first time that the corporation has broadcast one of its original analogue channels via the internet. The BBC announced the plan in its latest Statements of Programme Policy and it intends for the move to take place later this year.
In the meantime the BBC has just launched the latest beta version of its successful iPlayer service. The revamped service now combines both TV and radio content and features live radio streams. Other upgrades to the iPlayer include better sound quality, TV listings and new recommendation tools in addition to improved “listen again” and “last played” features. iPlayer traffic has continued to grow with recent statistics from Hitwise revealing that The Apprentice had become the most viewed programme.
From Brand Republic:, 05/06/2008

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