Google and Bing seal live search deals with Twitter

Oct 22, 2009 | Uncategorized

Google and Bing have inked a deal with Twitter to add real-time updates from the micro-blogging sites users to its search results. The deal will mean searchers on Google and Bing users will have the option to see results based on the most recent and popular trends on Twitter. Financial terms of the deals were […]

Google and Bing have inked a deal with Twitter to add real-time updates from the micro-blogging sites users to its search results. The deal will mean searchers on Google and Bing users will have the option to see results based on the most recent and popular trends on Twitter. Financial terms of the deals were not disclosed, but both represent a move towards ‘live’ or ‘real-time’ search, where results are based on current user comments rather than the most popular keywords over time.

In a blog post, Marissa Mayer , Google Vice President of Search Products and User Experience, said: “We are very excited to announce that we have reached an agreement with Twitter to include their updates in our search results.
“We believe that our search results and user experience will greatly benefit from the inclusion of this up-to-the-minute data, and we look forward to having a product that showcases how tweets can make search better in the coming months.
“That way, the next time you search for something that can be aided by a real-time observation, say, snow conditions at your favorite ski resort, you’ll find tweets from other users who are there and sharing the latest and greatest information.”
Microsoft’s Bing will also incorporate status updates from Facbook. Qi Lu, Microsoft’s vice president of online services, announced the deals on stage at the Web 2.0 conference in San Francisco on Wednesday.
The beta site,, has gone live, with the integration of Facebook users’ public updates to be added a later stage.

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