Landmark ruling forces Google to reveal blogger ID

Aug 20, 2009 | Uncategorized

A court ruling has forced Google to reveal the identity of a blogger who accused a model of being among “The Skankiest in NYC”. The blogger was revealed as an acquaintance of the model Liskula Cohen. Google initially fought to keep the blogger’s identity secret. The accused was using the Google Blogger service to run […]

A court ruling has forced Google to reveal the identity of a blogger who accused a model of being among “The Skankiest in NYC”. The blogger was revealed as an acquaintance of the model Liskula Cohen. Google initially fought to keep the blogger’s identity secret. The accused was using the Google Blogger service to run the website ‘Skanks in NYC’. A judge ordered Google to hand over an IP address, rejecting the blogger’s claim that the writing consisted of “personal opinions, including invective and ranting,” rather than factual assertions.

Cohen, who has posed for the cover of Vogue, said that she’s willing to forgive the blogger, but Cohen’s attorney says they plan to file a defamation suit. Cohen noted that the offending blog made it harder for her to find work, as the blog and accompanying photos often came up in job interviews.
She claims the statements of her being “skanky” and a “ho” go against her “serial monogamist” nature. The ruling could set a precedent for future cases such as this one, and could trigger a flood of similar lawsuits, perhaps for trivial reasons, which can in turn have serious implications on everyone’s online privacy.

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