Twitter founder urges Murdoch to be open

Nov 20, 2009 | Uncategorized

Newspapers should become ‘radically open’ if they want to make money in the online world, the co-founder of social networking site Twitter has said. Speaking an event organised by the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (Nesta) in London, Biz Stone said that he would “love to see what happens” if newspaper mogul […]

Newspapers should become ‘radically open’ if they want to make money in the online world, the co-founder of social networking site Twitter has said. Speaking an event organised by the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (Nesta) in London, Biz Stone said that he would “love to see what happens” if newspaper mogul Rupert Murdoch went ahead with plans to block Google from his websites.

“They should be looking at this as an opportunity to try something radically different and find out a way to make a ton of money from being radically open rather than some money from being ridiculously closed,” Stone added.
Murdoch recently said that search engines could not legally use material such as headlines in search results. Earlier this year, he said his News Corp business would start charging customers for access to its websites.

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