Digital start-ups compete for £150,000 Collider investment

Aug 24, 2015 | Digital marketing skills, Unilever - Research, tips and news for marketers

Digital start-ups are being urged to sign up to the latest Collider accelerator programme, an initiative backed by brands including Unilver hunting for the next big things in marketing technology. Just a week remains for founders to apply for the Collider15 Autumn accelerator programme, which accepts approximately 6% of start-ups who apply. The next programme […]

Digital start-ups are being urged to sign up to the latest Collider accelerator programme, an initiative backed by brands including Unilver hunting for the next big things in marketing technology.

Just a week remains for founders to apply for the Collider15 Autumn accelerator programme, which accepts approximately 6% of start-ups who apply.
The next programme runs from November, 2015 to late February, 2016, offering startups up to £150K in equity funding for up to a one year mentorship-driven academy.
Collider also partners with global brands and agencies who are looking to work with startups and innovation at scale.
• 10 startups will receive £50K equity investment for a four-month Collision Phase programme and over 130+ hours of support.
o The programme focuses on expert mentorship from veteran entrepreneurs and senior brands and agency executives
• Post-Collision Phase, five startups will receive up to £100K equity investment, and a further 8 months’ support from Collider
o By the end of one year, startups should have enough market traction to raise a seed or Series A investment round
• Brand and agency partners meet with startups consistently over four months, and beyond, and become actively involved as mentors
• Investment comes from smart Angel Investors with a unique offering they bring to startups from the marketing and advertising world, who also participate in the programme as mentors
Rose Lewis, Co-Founder of Collider says: “Industry leaders are approaching us because of the structured programme and framework we provide, and startups come to us because of the tailored mentorship and connections in our network. Brands and agencies have understood they need to work with startups to stay ahead of their competition.”
Collider is looking for startups in, but not exclusive to, the following MadTech areas:
• Artificial Intelligence & Augmented Reality
• Virtual Reality
• Future of Content & User-generated Content
• E-Commerce & M-Commerce
• Power of the Crowd
• Mobile SaaS
• Smart Devices & Wearables
• Customer Loyalty & Journey
• Big Data
• In-Store Engagement
• Multi-Channel Innovation
Jubair Jalil, Co-Founder SyncSpot, Collider Class of 2015 says; “Collider puts the SMART in smart money! The contacts, exposure and mentorship are priceless.”
Startups can apply via the following link:
Applications for Collider15Autumn close August 31, 2015.
This is the fourth accelerator programme for Collider. Since 2013, 27 Collider startups have created 47+ jobs and done 210 deals with brands and agencies worth over £1.5M combined.

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