Active use of social media platforms by region

This chart shows the active users for the top 10 social networks by region. Respondents were asked the question “Which of the following services have you used/contributed to in the last month?”. Facebook proved to be popular across all regions, with 55% of...

Yahoo drops Facebook and Google logins

Yahoo is ending its open login deals with Facebook and Google, a sign that the embattled web giant is now seeking greater independence from its larger rivals in the battle for ad dollars. The move means that users will need Yahoo ID to access the various Yahoo...

February round-up: Facebook’s $19bn WhatApp splurge; Twitter’s $445 loss and Dyson’s robot army

In the month when Comcast bought global media giant Time Warner for $45bn, another massive $19bn deal also took place – for a single chat app. Facebook’s WhatsApp purchase caused many to question the social network’s confidence in its own growth. But...

January round-up: the death of SEO blogging, hacked fridges and the rise of iBeacon

After much hype last year, ‘the ‘Internet of Things’ is becoming big business, with Google buying smart thermostat maker Nest while expanding its ‘Android for cars scheme’. As more everyday devices become linked to the web, the fact that a ‘smart fridge’ was hacked...