Mary Meeker’s Internet trends: the 2018 ‘privacy paradox’

There’s a “privacy paradox” surrounding data collection for profit, where data needs to be used to enrich people’s experiences without betraying their trust, according to the annual report from digital guru Mary Meeker.

The year in review: 17 biggest digital trends of 2017

2017 was another big year for digital marketing, with the rise of Blockchain, voice search going mainstream and AI getting (scarily) smarter. This was the year that Facebook went VR, Android overtook Windows and a virtual cat craze nearly broke a cryptocurrency market. In this special report, we’ve identified 17 of the biggest trends of the year.

Email is still king when it comes to mobile conversion

Email offers are the still the most likely marketing tactic to trigger a purchase on a smartphone or tablet, with 1 in 5 consumers making a mobile purchase as a result of email offers on the go, according to new research. The findings, from the State of Digital...

World Emoji Day 2017: are we over the emoji?

Despite the momentum around emojis with an upcoming film ‘The Emoji Movie’ and World Emoji Day, emojis appear to have lost the momentum that made them such an effective marketing tactic in 2016, according to new research. The study, from email provider Mailjet reveals...